Serendipity and Tee Shirts

How do I make a long story short? Sometimes life unfolds in strange and beautiful ways and people I refer to as "angels" come in at just the right time. This just happened to me. I recently offered the FFL series of classes for Cancer Prevention and Survival to our community in Brunswick, GA. We had a great group of women and among them, Mary Brand of ShirtTales Screen Printing Co. Mary attended a class at The Island Natural Market back in December and was following up by attending a 4 class series.  I overheard Mary discussing graphics and screenprinting with another attendee so I held her back after a class to discuss our new endeavor of printing JUST EAT PLANTS(c) T-Shirts.
Enter Tee-shirt Angels!!

Mary is as passionate as we are about eating a plant-based diet. She has read the work of many of the "gurus" including Dr. Campbell, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. McDougall and Dr. Barnard and was definitely ready to help us with the shirt printing.  As much as we loved starting out with Cafe Press, and will continue to offer the JUST EAT PLANTS line there, we are excited to announce we will now be working with Mary and the Shirt Tales team on creating and printing our new line of tees which will be more affordable. Keeping the cost of the printed items lower is important because our goal is to "give back" to our community by supporting a local business, and also building in a donation to appropriate charities such as this one supported by Adventures in Climate Change.

After a quick tour of the Shirt Tales Facility which Mary and her husband Ricky started in 1992. Ricky manned the screen and began printing the Gorilla shirts by hand.
Mary with one of the test shirts
Ricky at the helm of the Screen Printing machine

View of the Printing Shop

There are 10 employees total, producing all of the work right in the Brunswick workshop, all angels as far as we're concerned. We will continue to work on sourcing Organic Cottons and fun, trendy tees (maybe not one in the same but we are looking) and we will keep you posted on our progress.

The sign of shirt angels nearby!

Here is a big, giant THANK YOU!! from my happy-self to the Universe, Mary, Ricky and the rest of the crew at Shirttales!

You will be the first to know about available tees if you follow me on TWITTER here or Like us on FACEBOOK here.



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